
Faculty (Professor, MS-3.1)
University of Campinas (UNICAMP), São Paulo, Brazil
Language Studies Institute
Department of Linguistics

Short bio: PhD in Linguistics at the State University of Campinas. From 2008 to 2023, he investigated topics in language acquisition and computational linguistics. From 2024 onwards, his research interests comprise the topics of pragmatics, communication, and language acquisition, using theoretical, experimental and computational approaches to describe pragmatic aspects of speakers’ linguistic knowledge and verbal interactions, and also the development of pragmatics in children. He also conducts projects and university extension courses on the topic of Nonviolent Communication and is currently a candidate for certification in this topic by the Center for Nonviolent Communication (USA). [last update: 17-Sep-2024]

General research interest
Pragmatics, Communication, and Language Acquisition

Specific research interests

  • Theories of Pragmatics
  • Nonviolent Communication (as defined by Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg)
  • The pragmatics of communication in the framework of nonviolent communication
  • The development of pragmatics in children
  • Crosslinguistic and cross-cultural pragmatics
  • The psycholinguistics of pragmatics
  • Corpus-based studies on pragmatics

Research group
PraCmAL – Grupo de Pesquisa em Pragmática, Comunicação e Aquisição da Linguagem

Ongoing funded projects (* Many projects below still reflect my previous research interests on NLP and gramatical development)

Research Project (participant), from March 2023 to February 2028
Corpora anotados digitais de línguas indígenas brasileiras com traduções automáticas (DACILAT) [Digital annotated corpora of Brazilian indigenous languages ​​with automatic translations (DACILAT)]

Grant: FAPESP No. 2022/09158-5

Research Project (leader), from August 2023 to July 2025
Desenvolvimento de um ambiente web para disponibilizar dados de aquisição da linguagem e uma ferramenta de detecção e revisão de inconsistências em corpora anotados morfossintaticamente. [Development of a web environment to provide language acquisition data and a tool for detecting and reviewing inconsistencies in morphosyntactically annotated corpora.]
Grant: FAEPEX No. 2507/23

Research Project (participant), from December 2023 to December 2026
Aquisição de dependências não adjacentes: uma abordagem integrada entre Psicolinguística, Modelagem Computacional e Teoria Gramatical. [Acquisition of non-adjacent dependencies: an integrated approach based on Psycholinguistics, Computational Modeling and Grammatical Theory.]
Grant: CNPq No. 409013/2023-4

Extension Project (leader), from January 2024 to December 2024
Fomentando uma cultura restaurativa em comunidades escolares: projeto piloto de ações baseadas em reflexões sobre linguagem e na abordagem da Comunicação Não-Violenta [Fostering a restorative culture in school communities: pilot project of actions based on reflections on language and the Non-Violent Communication approach]
Grant: (not available yet)

Past funded projects

Research Project, from August 2019 to July 2021
The roles of cross-situational learning and of distributional information in language acquisition
Grant: FAPESP No. 2018/18655-7

Post-doctoral research project, from 2014 to 2016
Study and development of methods for automatic detection and correction of errors and inconsistencies in syntactically annotated corpora
Grant: FAPESP No. 2013/18090-6

Research Internships Abroad program (BEPE/FAPESP), on 2015
Study and application of explicit grammatical formalisms in the detection of inconsistency in treebanks
Supervisor: Dr. Anthony Kroch (University of Pennsylvania)
Grant: FAPESP 2014/17172-1


Departamento de Linguística – IEL/Unicamp
Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 571, Sala D.1.12
Phone: +55 19 3521-1533
CEP 13083-859 – Campinas – SP – Brazil (map)
fariap at  unicamp dot  br


  • Post-doctoral research (Unicamp/UPenn, 2014-2016)
  • PhD in Linguistics, 2013 (Unicamp)
  • Master’s in Linguistics, 2009 (Unicamp)
  • Postgraduate studies in Information Systems, 2004, at Goiás Federal University (UFG/Brazil)
  • BA in Computer Science, 2002 (UNIP/Brazil)
